I want my students to view a video from ProQuest's Academic Video Online, Alexander Street. How can I share this with students, preferably using Blackbgoard?
At the top of the screen is a toolbar with a "Share" button. Click on Share. A second screen will pop up with two choices, "Copy Permalink" and "Copy Embed Code." To explain, "Using a link will provide a permanent digital pathway to a specific video, audio album or work, part of a video, audio track, playlist, or clip. Using an embed code will generate Java-based code that can be used to add a full-featured Flash-based player directly into any Web page. As with links, embeds can be used for videos, parts of videos, albums, audio tracks, playlists, or clips."
Click "Copy Permalink." on the first screen. A popup will appear which has a link to instructions for both choices. If you just want to share a link, select "Copy Permalink" a second time and the link will be copied to your clipboard to paste into any document or email. Otherwise, click "Copy Embed Code" to copy that to your clipboard to inset into a webpage or Blackboard.
Here's an example permalink. These links have our off-campus access server prefix added to the address:
The embed code looks like this:
<iframe src="https://gold.worcester.edu/login?url=https://video.alexanderstreet.com/embed/becoming-more-fully-human" width="640" height="390" frameborder="0" allow="encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>
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